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The underappreciated importance to protect our oceans to tackle climate change

Home to millions of plants and animals, the ocean is a very large part of our planet, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface – no coincidence we call it our blue planet!
Today I want to explore its characteristics and share my next volunteering experience – save the date for the Ocean Lovers Festival, 22 to 24 April 2022 @Bondi Beach (Sydney, NSW, Australia).


How to turn climate ambition into real action: your plan to net zero

Businesses play a key role in addressing climate change.
It is time for thought leaders to show that they are serious about climate action, and they have set ambitious net-zero targets aligned with the latest science (the 1.5C limit) with actual plans (with milestones & indicators to check the progress) to deliver on their promises.
This article provides a simple guideline to turn climate ambition into real action in your organization and achieve net-zero emissions.


Ten actions to tackle climate change and achieve a huge impact

Today, I want to talk about some of the things we, as global citizens, can do to tackle climate change. Often people tell me: “I am only one (I am too small)… how can I make an impact?”. We see the direction the world is headed, and we think we can’t do anything about it. This is not true. We have many of the tools needed to make a huge impact on climate change. This represents an incredible opportunity to make history and co-create a better future for all humanity.

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